supplier membership
Partner with and support the members of the rental housing industry.
Based on Company Size
Small Company $245
(Less than 5 employees)
Large Company $295
(5 or more employees)
Based on Company Size
Small Company $245
(Less than 5 employees)
Large Company $295
(5 or more employees)
Companies providing products or services for the rental housing business and support the industry
Based on Company Size
Small Company $275
(Less than 5 employees)
Large Company $325
(5 or more employees)
Companies providing products or services for the rental housing business and support the industry
Based on Company Size
Small Company $275
(Less than 5 employees)
Large Company $325
(5 or more employees)
Directory Listing in Preferred Supplier Directory
- Business listing in Vendor/ Supplier guide online
- Leads sent to inbox
- Analytics on listing searches
- Appear in printed monthly newsletter
- Local IAA membership includes NAA membership
- See NAA Benefits for Suppliers HERE
- IAA Publications
- Membership Directory
- Logo included programs and marketing of sponsored events
- Trade Show
- Maintenance Mania
- Reverse Trade Show & Lunch
- Excellence Awards
- Help teach IAA classes to become a trusted resource
- Provide content for our publications
- Prove that you are more than a service provider, you are part of a community that supports your customer’s industry